Life has a way of changing without warning.

Read below for more details :)

I am currently not booking for 2020. 
As my role at my full-time job has changed and increased, 
this next year I'll be focusing on giving myself time to rest & restore, 
spending more time with family & friends, and creating space 
for personal, creative projects. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in all the years of freelancing. 
I also apologize to all couples & clients visiting my site, who came across 
this page in hopes to contact me about a future event or wedding. 
I would love to still hear from you, so if you're in need of recommendations,
 message me below and I'll let you know who I know!

This is not necessarily a 'closing up shop' notice, but a temporary change of 
life plans! Over the years, I've really been valuing the importance of rest, and 
possibly more importantly, restoration to the soul, mind, and body. 
'Busyness' can become a mask for how we really are doing, and if I can be 
honest and real, I haven't been giving myself the proper time away from 
busyness to focus on more important things like well-being, health, 
family, and investing in community & friendships. Love you all!

- Rob

Thank you!
​"To see the world, things dangerous to come to; to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life."
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